Welcome to SOAR@Dorr

What it Means

The name SOAR is an acronym for Serving Older Active Adults. Dorr Township answered “yes” when asked if the Township was interested in expanding the Center for active adults 55+ to be located within the Dorr Township Community Center. The purpose of the center is to provide a place for a vital and rapidly increasing demographic of residents to engage in a variety of activities; keeping them actively engaged in their community.

In 2021 The City of Woodstock received the Best Practice Award from APA – American Planning Association IL Conference – for its Age-Friendly Livable Community Action Plan. The 50-page Action Plan was funded by the Community Foundation for McHenry County, and prepared by a volunteer steering committee with assistance from NIU’s Center for Governmental Studies. Securing SOAR@Dorr at Dorr Township was a major step in the process.


SOAR@Dorr provides diverse programming to empower active, independent adults 55 and older in the pursuit of individual interests and group activities, to expand social connections, wellness, fitness, lifelong learning, and personal growth.


To serve as a vibrant hub of connection and opportunity, inspiring and empowering independent, active adults who are 55 and older to thrive, engage, and continue to contribute to their community.

SOAR@Dorr’s Hours of Operation?

SOAR@Dorr is open from 9am-4pm, offering a wide-variety of programs from Monday-Friday. Evening programs are as listed on the calendar.

Additionally, there are activities which take place off-site for which people must provide their own transportation.

An occasional art workshop, puzzle competition, Explorer adventures, etc., may take place on a Saturday.

Who Can Participate at SOAR@Dorr?

Anyone 55+ is welcome to come to SOAR@Dorr. All program participants must be able to operate independently both physically and cognitively at all times while at SOAR.

*If participant levels continue to increase as they have since SOAR began in 2021, it may become necessary to charge a modest yearly membership fee. If this occurs, those who live outside of Dorr Township may be asked to pay a slightly higher non-resident membership fee.

First Visit to SOAR

Upon your first visit to SOAR@Dorr you will be welcomed with a brief tour and given a calendar of events. Once you see what is offered you can determine what interests you.

Most daily programs are drop-ins. There are weekly, bi-weekly and monthly groups that meet; most require no fee. Special events, workshops and offsite activities all require advance registration and advance payment when required.

Additionally, participants are invited and encouraged to bring suggestions and ideas for future programming to the monthly Advisory Council Meeting. Most of the current programming has been created by an interest that has been shared and developed.

What are the Requirements for Partipants?

Besides being 55+, all participants must complete a new participant form. This form provides medical and contact information in case of an emergency; and is updated yearly.

Participants are required to sign in upon arrival for each activity. This ensures SOAR@Dorr staff can notify participants in the event of exposure to a contagious illness. Additionally, accurate attendance numbers are essential for funding purposes.

What does it Cost to Participate in Activities at SOAR@Dorr?

Most of the activities that take place at SOAR are drop-ins that have no cost. Currently, there is no membership fee to participate in programs at SOAR@Dorr.  Operational supplies are covered by Dorr Township. Other costs are covered by the fees charged for each separate activity.

Most special activities and events cost between $5 and $10 to participate. Currently, all payments must be made in the form of cash or check.

Amenities at SOAR@Dorr

  • De-caffinated coffee, tea and water are always available. Sweets and snacks often are also offered.
  • SOAR@Dorr has a Lending Library as well as a Puzzle Library available for all participants. Both are based on an honor system with no check-out process required.

Donations of newer books and magazines in good shape, and puzzles (no missing pieces, please!) are always welcome and appreciated. We request that returned and donated items be placed on the cart for our volunteers to process.

Refund Policies

SOAR@Dorr strives to offer you the best in activities, events, programs and services with new offerings added regularly.

When a fee is charged for any type of event or workshop, the money collected is used to pay in advance for food, supplies, entertainment, etc. Since SOAR is a not-for-profit organization, it is not possible to reimburse those unable to attend unless a substitute attendee is found so as to cover the expense. This policy must be strictly enforced.

Special Event Policy

Since SOAR@Dorr must pay in advance for reservations, food, entertainment, etc., a refund will only be issued if a substitute can be found.Therefore, this policy is strictly enforced. This also applies to Bingo and Lunch days.

Conduct Policy

No participant shall, based on race, sex, creed, national origin or disability be denied equal access to programs, activities, services or benefits, or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, advantage or opportunity.

Participants are expected to always exhibit appropriate behavior.  The following guidelines have been developed to help make SOAR@Dorr programs welcoming, safe and enjoyable for all participants.  Additional rules may be developed for particular programs as necessary by staff and volunteer leaders.

Participants shall:

  • Show respect to all participants and staff.
  • Show respect for equipment, supplies and the facility.
  • Refrain from using derogatory language.
  • Refrain from causing bodily harm to participants and staff.

Every attempt will be made to resolve difficult situations amicably; however,  SOAR@Dorr reserves the right to dismiss a participant from the facility, program or event for violating behavior guidelines.