Fitness & Wellness @SOAR
Balance Strength and Stretch
Cindy Vanderstappen, Instructor
Mondays, 10-10:45 am
This gentle, low-impact exercise class can be done seated, standing or using a combination of the two. Cindy explains and demonstrates all options. It is a beginning level non-aerobic class, set to music. It is meant for those who are just returning to exercise after a long break, following an injury or illness, or a first-time exerciser. The group moves through major aspects of balance which includes light strength training and stretching. All equipment, such as light weights, balls and bands are provided by SOAR.
Tai Chi
Dick Ahrens, Instructor
Mondays, 4-5pm
Thursdays, 9:30am-10:30am
Tai Chi is often considered to be meditation in motion. Learn to use your Chi, life’s essence, to balance mind, body and spirit through gentle exercise and flowing forms. Dick has a loyal following because he does an excellent job explaining, demonstrating and leading the group in the practice of Tai Chi.
Chair Yoga
Mike Breen, Instructor
Tuesdays, 11am-12pm
Fridays, 1-2pm
Chair Yoga offers many benefits which include improved posture, balance, coordination, and flexibility. It also provides the opportunity to learn and practice the calming benefits of mindfulness and breathwork. Mike is always willing to help participants with specific areas of concern. Standing is encouraged for those who are interested and able. Mats are also available for floorwork if desired.
Keep Fit & Strong
Laura Wassinger and Lynda Rohe, Instructors
Wednesdays, 10-11:15am
Fridays, 10-11:15am
Keep Fit & Strong is a spin-off of the Fit & Strong, UIC evidence-based 12-week program, originally offered at SOAR@Dorr in 2023. Keep Fit & Strong is a low-impact but more challenging version of the original class, designed for those who want to stay active.
The class consists of the following components: warm-up, low-impact aerobics, balance work, lower body strengthening, upper body strengthening and a cool down.
Chairs, weights, bands and balls are utilized in the class and are provided for participants’ use. The class can be done seated or standing, with modifications demonstrated for all levels of ability.
Important! Fitness/Wellness Class Participation Guidelines
- Participants may try each type of class at no cost the first time!
- Each class costs $5 to participate but an 8- punch, $25 Fitness/Wellness Pass is available for purchase.
- Participants are asked to arrive on time to secure a spot in class and collect necessary equipment, as well as to not interrupt the class once it has begun. Those who arrive late to class are asked to quietly take their place in the back row.
- It is recommended that participants bring their own water bottle to class.
- Those who prefer to stand in class should position themselves in the back row so as not to obstruct the view of those who are seated.
- Participants should wear appropriate footwear and consider dressing in layers so as not to become overheated during class.