Services & Education @SOAR

Workshop Wednesdays

Wednesdays, mid-month, 1-2:30pm

These monthly workshops bring in community partners to share services, provide information and enrollment, as well as bring awareness to services available in the community.


SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Program) Counseling

By appointment only

This free health insurance counseling is for Medicare beneficiaries, along with providing assistance applying for Medicaid and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).  This applies to those preparing to retire, those looking to review their current plans at open enrollment, or those that have a special enrollment period, as well as those who are disabled. Reviewing your Medicare information yearly during Open Enrollment (October 15-December 7) could help you save money and find better coverage.  This service is provided at no cost to beneficiaries. No sales, just counseling!


License Plate Discount & Ride Free Transit Applications

By appointment only

If you qualify for the license plate discount in Illinois, you could pay as little as $10.  Make an appointment to see if you qualify.  We will assist with completion of your application and send it into the state.  If you qualify for the license plate discount, you also qualify for the ride free transit card that allows you to ride the Metra train and the CTA in Chicago at no cost.


LIHEAP (Low Income Heat Energy Assistance Program)

By appointment only

This income-based program is run through McHenry County with  SOAR being an application site.  If you qualify, you can receive assistance on your gas and electric bills with a one time credit into both accounts.  This can be applied for one time each year.


Tech Education

Classes coming in June!

We have partnered with AARP and Woodstock School District 200 to bring laptops and a full library of classes to SOAR to help you become more comfortable with technology and use that knowledge to learn about things that are of interest to you.


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