Weekly Programs @SOAR
Donna Freeman and Louise Cushley, Volunteer Leaders
Thursdays, 12-2:30pm
Bingo has been one of Dorr Township’s longest-running and most popular activities. It takes place during most months the first 4 Thursdays of the month.
Many participants bring lunch to eat before the game begins. Special Bingo & Lunch events are scheduled twice monthly, with theme-based menu selections. Pre-registration and pre-payment for the lunches is required. During months which include special holidays a seasonal party may replace Bingo.
The cost of playing bingo is $3 per person. Money is collected and held by the volunteer leaders, and dispersed to the winners during the game.
Raffle tickets are available for purchase at $1 each, or $5 for 10 tickets.
Gift cards to local stores and restaurants, and other types of prizes are raffled off at the end of the game. Additional tickets may be earned by bringing items to donate to the Food Pantry or by being observed doing something kind for another participant. A regular participant who brings someone new to bingo results in both parties receiving 10 raffle tickets each!
Bob Blue, Volunteer Leader
Wednesdays, 1:30-3:30pm
One of the newest games played at SOAR@Dorr. All interested players are invited to play – experienced or not. The other players will provide friendly guidance to those who are new to the game or haven’t played for a while. All supplies are provided.
Bob Hunt, Volunteer Leader
Wednesdays, 9-10am
This group is looking for people interested and willing to learn how to play. Cribbage boards and cards are provided.
Craig Tebo, Volunteer Leader
Tuesdays, 1-3pm
As one of SOAR’s most popular group games, this lively, fun-loving group welcomes all players, women and men, new and experienced. The whole group makes sure newcomers are mentored until they feel comfortable.
Mah Jongg
Dolly Gibson, Volunteer Leader
Fridays, 10am-12:30pm
Played with beautiful tile pieces, the ancient game of Mah Jongg has been proven to be one of the most effective games to keep one’s mind challenged. It helps to improve brain function and memory skills. This enthusiastic group welcomes all, from the inexperienced to those who have been playing for years. Dolly warmly welcomes and mentors newcomers to this popular game at SOAR.
Bob Hunt, Volunteer Leader
Fridays, 1-4pm
This fun, card-playing group has a long history at Dorr Township. No experience is needed to play with this group because guidance is provided. A $1 fee is collected from each player each week and the kitty goes to the winner.
Bob Hunt, Volunteer Leader
Wednesdays, 10am-12pm
The most the group pays for is a penny ante, with a 3 cent limit. This group is looking to grow its following.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
Concetta Balke, Judy Couris, Volunteer Leaders
Wednesdays, 9:30-11am
Follow your own weight loss regimen while receiving group support and encouragement to help you reach your goals. There are weekly informative programs and helpful weight loss tips and ideas. There are a variety of special events such as the Fall Rally, TOPS Anniversary Picnic, Game Days, Holiday Parties and Area Recognition Dinners.
New Members: $70.00 yearly
Dues: $5 per month
SOAR@Dorr is a host site for this TOPS group
Important! Group Game Guidelines and Useful Information:
- Each gaming group has a volunteer leader(s). Novices, the curious, those with rusty skills and experienced players are invited to participate in any game. Patient, friendly guidance is always provided.
- Participants are expected to arrive on time to secure their place at the table, and as a courtesy to other players. Latecomers are welcome to stay to learn, gain strategy insights and socialize. Table talk is expected to be kept to a minimum.
- No food or beverages are allowed on the wooden card tables. Side tables are provided for this purpose.
- Card players are asked to set up for their group upon arrival, put away their card-playing supplies when finished, and return side tables to their original location.
- Any money exchanged or collected during card games is the property of the individuals playing and is not held by SOAR@Dorr.